Thursday, September 29, 2005

fall 2005

It's fall here in Iowa. So pretty all the trees turning colors, but alas I have many flowers still in bloom. Inevitable frost will sadden me greatly for eventually our ground will shine white & glisten with the still of winter.

Finally a new post!!! So sorry, I'm a good procrastinator.

When I left off, the new kitchen job was looking like a meal fit for this queen. Okay, so I'm not real good at seeing reality without my rose colored glass mentality. Bottom line: nature is cruel and I don't think I'm meant to cook for a living. Next to bottom line: working with relatives is one of those tasks not everyone is cut out to succeed with. (everyone seemed to already know this except me)

Now that I'm remembering I can type....dinner is done. Meatloaf & home grown potatoes. mmmmm