Wednesday, February 09, 2005

white again

This morning I awoke to a beautiful blanket of white. Last week temps rose to above 60 & melted all previous snow so I could finally see my yard & all the mud hidden under winter's frozen skirt. That lasted 1 day & now it's all pretty again, hidden under clean white sparkles. I think the hardest part of my day is first thing in the morning when our 2 dogs are ready to go out. There I stand, blurry eyes, still warm from that electric blanket I got for Christmas & they want me to scurry right out to the frozen tundra which is my back yard. burrrr. Ah, things could be colder. I could live further north, the snow could be deeper, I could have more that just 2 dogs.....

So I'm preparing for a career change. I've decided to learn to cook with my brother who has spent his whole adult life being a chef (or cook, or basically in that field). I love to cook, I love to eat, I love good food & can easily prepare & share it. (cookies being my fav!!! all is good with a fresh warm cookie!!!) It's downright scary to walk into a new world this way. Feels like I'm walking off a cliff. Gosh, I thought this would be an easier move. Anyway, today I'm working on product development. I'm going to try & make those cookies heart shaped, tis the season ya know.

Another experiment: will taking glucosamine make my joints feel better? I'm sure in pain & need that to stop so I can get on with life.

Everyone, have a nice day! One of these days I'm going to get better at posting here regularly.