Thursday, October 19, 2006

A life & death story

Last month a classmate's sister died.

Sarah was my friend in early grade school years. Our parents were friends. In fact both our mother's were named Mary. She lived out in the country and I remember going with her out her back yard into the forest. Into a land I thought was the most glorious place on earth. There was a creek and maybe a river. I remember it like a fairy tale. An experience so wonderous, it was surreal.

So I guess her sister, Anna, fell and never woke up. Went into a coma, slept for a while without waking and that was about it. I hear she died after a period of time in a hospice. Those hospice joints are starting to be something I hear about a little too often. Bless the souls who work in any hospice type situation.

Her son is 19. Tis a bit young to be losing a mother. Ah, it's always too young. Mother's are so very very loved & needed.

Anyway, ya just never know about life or when it's going to end. Quite a mysterious journey we're all taking. You'd think we'd hold it just a little more precious......

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