Monday, October 16, 2006

Ledges State Park-the story

Nothing like a good hike to put one's thoughts in perspective. A crisp fall day, it was much warmer than it has been, an absolute splendid day for enjoying the out of doors.

I love hiking and especially on old stairways. Here I've got limestone slabs placed in the 1930's when all those programs were going on. Today I found the park to be private & quiet, quite a different scene compared to mid July when the place was packed & every cove contained people, dogs & more people.

Thoughtfully placed man made cement stone blocks stand in a path every junction where the road crosses water. Water levels were rather high in Pea's creek and almost blocked my dry path across. Later when I was skipping down the front hill path, it made me think of crossing a creek. I like jumping from rock to rock and was choosing rocks compared to the smooth path worn next to the old stairway. The last time I'd done tried to cross a creek and stay dry, in Colorado, I slipped in (so did my hiking partner) and a soggy tennis shoe and shared laughter was my reward. Originally more organized, years of earth movement and erosion made this forest path look like a dry creekbed. To me it was like a game of hopscotch played all by myself with no ball, numbered squares or friends.

Rotting oak leaves scented the wind & I loved hearing them crunch underfoot. Golden browns lit my eyes and made me think of white months ahead.

Next time I think I'll try to take my dogs.

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