Monday, May 08, 2006

Yippee skippy I love working outside.

Well I spent the day locked inside, but tonight I shot right to my local greenhouse. I'd like to own that greenhouse, anyway, I like those people- and the smell! Nothing like the smell of humid growing air. I got nice flowers for mother's day planters and come to find out they need help planting memorial day baskets. You know it, another job for me. Just a few hours on the weekend and after work a weeknight or two. That's great. If it's anything I need, it's experience in a greenhouse. Planting, my favorite!

So tomorrow night, it's landscaping in the boss' beautiful yard. I dug up some lilies & hostas from my yard & she's bought some (hopefully blooming annuals) too, oh how fun. Then Wednesday to the greenhouse and Thursday I'll be digging up dandlelions in my own yard. And probably planting impatients in my front flower box. I bought a multi-pink selection.

Ah, the tv radar shows a nice storm coming our way. Looks like within the hour even. Tomorrow they expect mid 70's and more rain. Mmmmm I love a good thunderstorm!

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