It's cloudy here, but not cold enough for snow. That's good, because I'm barely getting my cold clothes out of the storage unit. Finally did bring home some totes this weekend. Now for sorting through everything & bringing it indoors. Last Nov/Dec, I was rather harried when I packed my life up, now since I've been here all summer & haven't touched anything, I've got to wonder just how bad I want &/or need all that stuff. I do see this as a new beginning although it's not that comfortable.
It's challenging writing to everyone at the same time. Let's see,,,
to those in TX: gosh I wish you lived closer. We'd be sharing time & space every day. Come up with any Christmas plans yet?
to those in FL: I do hope work is steady & pays more than you're worth. (haha) Couldn't we all use such a dream? I'm looking forward to January in the south. I was thinking of the whole winter, but I'm sure financial situations will define my those in Quimby: hey lady, how's it going? got things all smoothed out after your company left? I'm looking forward to getting together again. How is your month looking? What are your plans for turkey day?
My mother has offered to let Tanya & I accompany her down to her church on turkey day. They do a large meal and anyone can come eat. We're all looking forward to helping (& eating!) I'm just not in the mood to do a meal here at the house. Maybe by Christmas time. Nothing like an empty chair to change plans.
I've got lots of work to do here. I was somewhat productive over the weekend. Baked lots of cookies & tried to bake bread. I put too much healthy stuff in the loaves & they didn't rise right (but they taste great!!!). I did spend some time reading about what I may have done wrong, so I'm ready to try again today.
to those in Des Moines: when should we plan a craft day?
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