Wooo who! Our first tilling & planting has taken place! Ah, the dirt contained a perfect moisture level, not to wet, not too dry, crumbled right through my fingers like a perfect pastry mix. Black as oil, both my brother & I are anxious this year as food costs sore towards every one's tolerance roof.
Besides non-pesticide food and cost savings at the market, deep down hopes of profit chirp in both our minds. Our farmer genes whisper louder every year.
There is absolutely no feeling like enjoying the privilege of tucking little seeds in God's ground. It's like that food tastes better just because I watched it grow. Quite the blessing.
Planted today, Tuesday April 29, 2008:
4 rows assorted potato eyes
2 rows onions, red, yellow, & white mix
1 small row yellow day lilies
1 row yellow canna lilies